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Kubernetes 源码阅读 - 调度原理

Published: at 08:28 AM


type Scheduler struct {
	// It is expected that changes made via SchedulerCache will be observed
	// by NodeLister and Algorithm.
	SchedulerCache internalcache.Cache

	Algorithm core.ScheduleAlgorithm
	// PodConditionUpdater is used only in case of scheduling errors. If we succeed
	// with scheduling, PodScheduled condition will be updated in apiserver in /bind
	// handler so that binding and setting PodCondition it is atomic.
	podConditionUpdater podConditionUpdater
	// PodPreemptor is used to evict pods and update 'NominatedNode' field of
	// the preemptor pod.
	podPreemptor podPreemptor

	// NextPod should be a function that blocks until the next pod
	// is available. We don't use a channel for this, because scheduling
	// a pod may take some amount of time and we don't want pods to get
	// stale while they sit in a channel.
	NextPod func() *framework.PodInfo

	// Error is called if there is an error. It is passed the pod in
	// question, and the error
	Error func(*framework.PodInfo, error)

	// Close this to shut down the scheduler.
	StopEverything <-chan struct{}

	// VolumeBinder handles PVC/PV binding for the pod.
	VolumeBinder scheduling.SchedulerVolumeBinder

	// Disable pod preemption or not.
	DisablePreemption bool

	// SchedulingQueue holds pods to be scheduled
	SchedulingQueue internalqueue.SchedulingQueue

	// Profiles are the scheduling profiles.
	Profiles profile.Map

	scheduledPodsHasSynced func() bool


SchedulingQueue 等待调度的 Pod 队列


type PriorityQueue struct {
	// activeQ is heap structure that scheduler actively looks at to find pods to
	// schedule. Head of heap is the highest priority pod.
	activeQ *heap.Heap
	// podBackoffQ is a heap ordered by backoff expiry. Pods which have completed backoff
	// are popped from this heap before the scheduler looks at activeQ
	podBackoffQ *heap.Heap
	// unschedulableQ holds pods that have been tried and determined unschedulable.
	unschedulableQ *UnschedulablePodsMap
	// nominatedPods is a structures that stores pods which are nominated to run
	// on nodes.
	nominatedPods *nominatedPodMap

共有三个结构用于保存不同状态的 Pod,Pending Pods 为以下三个队列数量之和

backoff 队列和 unschedulable 队列有什么区别,不都是调度失败 Pod 保存的队列吗?如果有 move request 则进入 backoffQ 否则进入 unschedulableQ

启动 Run(ctx)

kube-scheduler 一旦获取 leader,便开始执行 Run 方法

func (sched *Scheduler) Run(ctx context.Context) {
	if !cache.WaitForCacheSync(ctx.Done(), sched.scheduledPodsHasSynced) {
	wait.UntilWithContext(ctx, sched.scheduleOne, 0)

SchedulingQueue 调度队列

调度队列后台会启动两个 goroutine,分别将 podBackoffQ unschedulableQ 两个队列中的 Pod 根据是否满足条件重新移动到 activeQ 重新参与一次调度

func (p *PriorityQueue) Run() {
	// 每秒从 backoff 队列中循环一遍所有 Pod
  // 到达 backoff 时间的 Pod pop 出来加入到 activeQ 中
	go wait.Until(p.flushBackoffQCompleted, 1.0*time.Second, p.stop)
  // 每 30s 从 unscheduableQ 中
	go wait.Until(p.flushUnschedulableQLeftover, 30*time.Second, p.stop)

集群有一些事件发生时会将 unscheduableQ 中的 Pod 全部放到 activeQ 或 backoffQ 中重新参与一遍调度,使用队列的 MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue 方法,有如下事件会触发:

如何决定一个未能成功调度的 Pod 放入到哪个队列中

  // If a move request has been received, move it to the BackoffQ, otherwise move
	// it to unschedulableQ.
	if p.moveRequestCycle >= podSchedulingCycle {
		if err := p.podBackoffQ.Add(pInfo); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error adding pod %v to the backoff queue: %v", pod.Name, err)
		metrics.SchedulerQueueIncomingPods.WithLabelValues("backoff", ScheduleAttemptFailure).Inc()
	} else {
		metrics.SchedulerQueueIncomingPods.WithLabelValues("unschedulable", ScheduleAttemptFailure).Inc()

scheduleOne 调度一个 Pod



Pod 调度完整流程

  1. 从调度队列中 Pop 一个 Pod,若队列为空则阻塞

  2. 根据 Pod 获取该 Pod 指定调度器的 profile

  3. 调度 Schedule

    sched.Algorithm.Schedule(ctx, prof, state, pod)


    1. snapshot node

    2. RunPreFilterPlugins

    3. 开始 Predicate: findNodesThatFitPod

      1. 判断通过 framework 的 Filter: RunFilterPlugins,此处调度器启动了 16 个 worker 去对所有 node 并发 check 是否满足*
      2. 判断通过 extender 的 Filter
    4. RunPreScorePlugins 打分前再次过滤一遍

    5. 打分 prioritizeNodes

      1. 若没有配置打分插件则直接为所有节点设置为默认 1 分
      2. *RunScorePlugins* 并汇总所有打分结果
      3. 若有 extender 则并发调用 webhook 的 Prioritize
    6. 选择节点 selectHost

      • 选择节点源码,选择最高分者,若最高分相同则随机选择一个

        func (g *genericScheduler) selectHost(nodeScoreList framework.NodeScoreList) (string, error) {
        	if len(nodeScoreList) == 0 {
        		return "", fmt.Errorf("empty priorityList")
        	maxScore := nodeScoreList[0].Score
        	selected := nodeScoreList[0].Name
        	cntOfMaxScore := 1
        	for _, ns := range nodeScoreList[1:] {
        		if ns.Score > maxScore {
        			maxScore = ns.Score
        			selected = ns.Name
        			cntOfMaxScore = 1
        		} else if ns.Score == maxScore {
        			if rand.Intn(cntOfMaxScore) == 0 {
        				// Replace the candidate with probability of 1/cntOfMaxScore
        				selected = ns.Name
        	return selected, nil
    7. 至此,已经选择出一个唯一建议的调度节点

  4. VolumeBind sched.VolumeBinder.AssumePodVolumes

  5. RunReservePlugins

  6. assume

  7. RunPermitPlugins

  8. 异步 Bind,上图中的黄色部分

    1. WaitOnPermit 若失败则 RunUnreservePlugins
    2. RunPreBindPlugins
    3. RunBindPlugins
    4. RunPostBindPlugins


在整个调度周期中若调度错误,会调用 recordSchedulingFailure 方法记录失败的调度,其中主要做两个事

其中调度失败的处理逻辑 MakeDefaultErrorFunc 如下

func MakeDefaultErrorFunc(client clientset.Interface, podQueue internalqueue.SchedulingQueue, schedulerCache internalcache.Cache) func(*framework.PodInfo, error) {
	return func(podInfo *framework.PodInfo, err error) {
		pod := podInfo.Pod
		// 不同错误信息处理,不是特别关键,忽略

		podSchedulingCycle := podQueue.SchedulingCycle()
		// Retry asynchronously.
		// Note that this is extremely rudimentary and we need a more real error handling path.
		go func() {
			defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
			podID := types.NamespacedName{
				Namespace: pod.Namespace,
				Name:      pod.Name,

			// An unschedulable pod will be placed in the unschedulable queue.
			// This ensures that if the pod is nominated to run on a node,
			// scheduler takes the pod into account when running predicates for the node.
			// Get the pod again; it may have changed/been scheduled already.
     // 启动一个独立 goroutine 去 backoff 重试加入到调度队列(不是重试调度)
     // 初始 backoff 时间为 100ms,每次重试时间 *2,最大为 1min
			getBackoff := initialGetBackoff
			for {
				pod, err := client.CoreV1().Pods(podID.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), podID.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
				if err == nil {
					if len(pod.Spec.NodeName) == 0 {
						podInfo.Pod = pod
						if err := podQueue.AddUnschedulableIfNotPresent(podInfo, podSchedulingCycle); err != nil {
				if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
					klog.Warningf("A pod %v no longer exists", podID)
				klog.Errorf("Error getting pod %v for retry: %v; retrying...", podID, err)
				if getBackoff = getBackoff * 2; getBackoff > maximalGetBackoff {
					getBackoff = maximalGetBackoff

为什么调度失败需要启动独立的 goroutine 循环 backoff 判断并加入到调度队列中?不是加入一次后调度队列去重试调度就可以了吗?



Policy & Profile

Extender (Webhook 形式)

community/ at master · kubernetes/community

配置文件中的 pilicy 字段下面可以指定 extenders,extender 就是在各个扩展点调用外部的 HTTP 服务

extender 的不足


Scheduling Framework

定义了多个扩展点,每个扩展点可以注册 plugin,使用定义的 interface 用代码实现编译为新的调度器程序,Pod 指定新的调度器名。

扩展点的 plugin 调用顺序如下:


percentageOfNodesToScore 参数,指定多少百分比的节点打分后就足够调度

若不指定,使用一个线性公式:在 100-节点集群取 50%,5000-节点集群取 10%,最低 5%
